mindful kink retreat


ignite your passion ~ spark your creativity ~ blaze your future

The element of fire has been revered as mystical, magical, and mighty by humans for thousands of years. With it’s ability to shape landscapes, provide warmth, and bring light to the dark, fire showed us it’s true nature. And while our ancestors witnessed the mysterious power of this godly force, the wisdom of it’s divinity connected us to a deeper understanding of our human potential. Becoming a sacred tool, fire has been used as throughout the ages in rituals embodying change, passion, creativity, enlightenment, purification, and as a rite of passage – and the firewalk is one of these ancient rituals still being practiced today.

The firewalk can be the most powerful experience a person can have. It has the ability to help change thought patterns, belief systems, and can help transform long-held ideas about what a person is capable of.  As we connect with the fire, we often find that we are actually connecting more deeply with ourselves, and those we meet the fire with. The fire is the teacher, and shows us how magnificent, powerful, and divine we truly are. When we face the fire, we face our fear, and when we choose to consciously take the first step over the coals, we can become inspired and empowered beyond what we ever thought possible.

what to expect at the firewalk

So, what exactly happens at the firewalk? Here is a breakdown of how the experience will go…

Firstly, let’s understand that this is a sacred experience, one that is overflowing with love and joy. This is, however, deep work, which can (and often does) bring up a lot of emotions, so being open to surrender and becoming vulnerable will only heighten the experience and enable us to receive as much as possible from it. And this will be a safe, and sacred space, which we will all hold for each other.

The night will start by our coming together in a group to set our collective intention, as well as our personal intentions for the firewalk. We will then invite the fire in (yep, ignite it), and allow it to lovingly show itself in all it’s glory. As the fire transforms the wood, and the flames begin to mesmerize us, we will make offerings to the fire, share our personal thoughts and feelings, deepen our connection to our sisters and brothers in the circle, and will have time in silence to allow us to open our hearts to it’s heavenly potential. (There may even be some drumming and other instruments played.)

Guided by Master Firewalk Instructor Albee, we will have a sacred fire talk, where we will look deeply at the fire’s potential for transformation, personal growth, inner-connectedness, unity, and the joy and love the fire can bring us in our “everyday” lives.  When the talk is over, it will be time to celebrate – and the celebration is the firewalk itself.

The firewalk ceremony is a truly powerful and empowering experience. It has transformed the lives of millions of people, and teaches us the true nature of unlimited potential. It is shared in service to humanity with love and respect for all, and it will be an honor to meet you at the fire. 

The entirety of this event will be outside around the fire. We will be standing (everyone is encouraged to walk around the fire during the evening for a change of perspective) and moving around a bit during the course of the evening, however, please feel free to bring a blanket/chair/towel to sit on if you prefer not to stand the whole time or don’t want to sit on the grass. It is strongly recommended to bring water to drink (and snacks too, if you’d like), and to wear comfortable clothes, with pant legs (or dress lengths) that do not drag on the ground (pant legs will need to be rolled up and dresses held up while walking). Also, since we will be walking barefoot on the fire, it is also a good idea to bring wet-wipes or a small towel to clean off feet should you not want to dirty your socks or shoes after walking. In order to participate, registration is required, and all firewalk participants must sign a waiver prior to entering the event. If you have questions or concerns, please email the retreat coordinators. 



More information about Master Firewalk Instructor Albee can be found here.


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mindful kink retreat firewalk

7-10 PM

Pre-Registration is required for this once in a lifetime experience.